ReGOREgitated Sacrifice


Well, I can't say I was expecting much. I've been going through the iceberg list of horror movies and I finally decided to watch this one after being a little stressed this week. For some reason, horror movies help relieve stress. Makes me feel better after. That is probably the only thing that gives this movie points. Gore and shock value is the main focus for the movie, unlike the first one. The first movie of the Vomit Gore Trilogy was arguably better since more art value could be found in it. Yes, I know the trilogy is just fetish content in the first place, but it would be nice if it still had some sort of integrity or substance. This one was...weird? I don't know. I think the only good thing was the scenes they give the prostitutes when they talk about their life and how I got to release some emotion watching the movie. Other than that? Bleh. Would not recommend! Also, that spider scene was..gross, to say the least. The octopus was also really random? But then again a lot of things were in that movie. Blegh.

Incident in a Ghost Land


Wow! This psychological horror movie was definitely something else. At first I thought it was going to be about ghosts like the name might suggest, but I was totally wrong. Instead, it was about a break in of two daughters and a mother by a crazy mom and her special son. I'm not gonna summarize much other than that, but it was definitely something. I wasn't expecting those plot twists, and when they came, I was surprised and left with my mouth agape. It made me so sad and frustrated! I mean, could you imagine your sister getting you out of your dissociative state as your way to cope? I'd be pissed, but I sort of get where she was coming from. I'm glad they were able to escape in the end despite what it took to get there. The first time they tried escaping was INSANE. Even I felt defeated when they were captured again. Overall, this movie gave me some sort of crisis, because what if I'M dissociating to that extent? It almost reminds me of that redditor who looked at that lamp and got knocked out of his coma. Sheesh. Oh, and there were some successful jumpscares and had me on the edge of my seat! At some point I even hid behind my blanket because I was so freaked out and on my toes. Amazing movie. If you like horror, this is a must!